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KRU, Nyanza and Rift Valley have organized courses in the two regions that shall be conducted before the Dala7s and Prinsloo7s legs of the Stanbic Bank National Sevens Circuit in their venues respectively.

The Nyanza Region welcomes two elite rugby courses for the first time in Kisumu on the 8th and 9th at the Kisumu ASK Showgrounds. The Level 1 first Aid in Rugby and Level 1 Strength and Conditioning shall run concurrently on both days. The joint prerequisites for the FAIR and Strength&Conditioning Courses are: Rugby Ready, First Aid in Rugby and Concussion Management. On top of the three, to participate in the The S&C Course, one is also required to have completed the Keep Rugby Clean and Pre-Level 1 S&C modules.

The following week, on 15th August, the Nakuru Athletics Club will host the Level 1  Introduction to Coaching Children and truncated activities(injury Prevention).

Participants are advised to wear proper clothing for the practical sessions.

The main purpose of these courses is to increase the number of trained and certified personnel in the Country as we aim to ensure that those introduced to rugby are coached per the World Rugby Rules.

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