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The Kenya Rugby Union Board of Directors, Kenya Cup representatives and the Kenya Rugby Old Boys paid a courtesy call to the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary of Sports; Ambassador Amina Mohammed on the 2nd of May 2019.

Led by the KRU Chairman, the purpose of the visit was to update the CS on the National Teams’ performances over the last one year and also the duties that await them in the remaining part of 2019.

“Government is a critical supporter of sports and we are proud to have the President of Kenya, His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta as a Patron of Shujaa.” said Oduor Gangla, the KRU Chairman.

The CS was informed of the current number of KRU affiliates after the 2019 AGM and where they all lie in terms of complying with the Sports Act. The Union itself has complied with the Sports Act while a few of the Clubs are finalizing on their compliance.

Looking at the National Team’s performance, they have all been successful but inconsistent. The main challenge that has led to the inconsistency is the lack of funding for all their requirements. The Union looks forward to having a good, predictable, consistent partnership with the government as this will go a long way in ensuring the teams are continuously successful.

“I strongly believe that our National Teams have brought pride to the Country for many years given the tough circumstances. We haven’t achieved all that we can do and the next step for us is, how do we bring about that success?” added Gangla.

Ambassador Peter Kaberia, The Ministry of Sports Principal Secretary assured the Board of the Ministry’s support and he reiterated the fact that issues of integrity, accountability and full disclosure are required of every federation/Union. “The Sports fund is available but it is not as straightforward as people tend to think, it has very stringent rules. Sports Associations are required to  fully comply with the Sports Act if they are to get the financial assistance,” added Amb. Kaberia.

“Our rugby has huge potential, if it gets the support that it needs, is facilitated and led in the right way. I have no problem in seeking the resources for you, however,  transparency and accountability are key,” said Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed.

The Board also requested for a meeting with the President and the CS stated that she would work towards it especially now as the National Under 20 Team is preparing to represent Kenya and Africa in the Junior World Rugby Trophy Championships in July. Chipu leaves for Brazil on 4th of July.

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