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Douglas Wekhomba (sixth from right) during the ceremony in July 2015 to honor the Kenya squad of 1985/Photo Credit/Arigi Obiero/Ministry of Rugby

The Kenya Rugby Union joins the rugby fraternity in mourning the death of former Impala and Kenya forward Douglas Wekhomba who passed away on Tuesday.

Wekhomba was part of the Kenya class that ran Zimbabwe close, falling to a narrow 13-15 loss in 1985. This squad was honored during the Kenya – Spain game two years ago.

Seated from L. – Paul Ngoga, Doug Wekhomba (L), Peter Nderi, Peter Belsoi, Martin ‘ Superman’ Mwituria, James ‘Magic’ Kamau, Dave Sakari, Jimmy Owino (L). Mid Row from Left: Max M. Muniafu, Elijah Mureithi (L), Evans G. Vitisia, Absalom ‘ Bimbo’ Mutere (L), Tom Oketch, Johnny Yakas, Eric Ayodo. Standing Back row: Peter Odhiambo, Omondi Magunga ( L), Arthur Kibisu (L), Ahuga Mwenesi, Micheal ‘ Tank ‘ Otieno, Jim Ayoki (L) and Rajinder Sembi


His friend and former team mate Michael “Tank” Otieno, said, “He was my peer and friend…we started out as rivals in high school…Dougie featuring for Lenana School and me for Alliance. We played together at Impala and the national team. His death comes as a shock.”

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