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Former Kenya back row Douglas Wekhomba will be honored with a minute’s silence before the start of Saturday’s Rugby Africa Gold Cup clash between Kenya and Tunisia at the RFUEA.

Here are some memories of Dougy. 

Douglas Wekhomba


1979. RFUEA WINNERS. SITTING: Jack Mtula; Jimi James Muchiri; Dickson Mogere; Dave Madara; Kamau. STANDING: Dan Kimoro; Max Muniafu; Douglas Wekhomba/Photo/Courtesy


Seated from L. – Paul Ngoga, Doug Wekhomba (L), Peter Nderi, Peter Belsoi, Martin ‘ Superman’ Mwituria, James ‘Magic’ Kamau, Dave Sakari, Jimmy Owino (L). Mid Row from Left: Max M. Muniafu, Elijah Mureithi (L), Evans G. Vitisia, Absalom ‘ Bimbo’ Mutere (L), Tom Oketch, Johnny Yakas, Eric Ayodo. Standing Back row: Peter Odhiambo, Omondi Magunga ( L), Arthur Kibisu (L), Ahuga Mwenesi, Micheal ‘ Tank ‘ Otieno, Jim Ayoki (L) and Rajinder Sembi


Douglas Wekhomba (sixth from right) during the ceremony in July 2015 to honor the Kenya squad of 1985


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