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A last minute try by Tonga’s Potolaka Maake handed them the 20-17 win over Shujaa in the 13th Place semifinal. John Tapueluelu had scored a brace in the first half, both conversions sailing wide while Jacob Ojee and Eliakim Kichoi dotted down a try each leveling up the scores to 10 all, at the breather.

Second half, an offload from Edward Sunia to Lotu Inisi gave Tonga the 15-10 lead. Daniel Taabu’s kick forward resulted in Shujaa’s third try as Vincent Onyala raced down the pitch to ground it inside the in goal area. Conversion was good.

Shujaa has gathered one point from this tournament having lost all their day one and day two matches bringing their total tally on the overall standings to 12 points.

Their next outing is the Las Vegas and Vancouver 7s on the 1st-3rd and 9th-10th of March respectively.

Get the match reports here and here

Shujaa’s #Sydney7s scorecard
Shujaa 14-24 Canada(Pool Match)
Shujaa 0-41 USA(Pool Match)
Shujaa 17 – France 40(Pool Match)
Shujaa 14-19 (CTQF)
Shujaa17-20 (13th place semifinal)

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