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The KRU would like to clarify its position with Brand Kenya and the partnership. The Kenya Rugby Union would like to thank the Government and Brand Kenya for their support at a time when the Union is going through a difficult phase.

1. KRU signed a Ksh 20M sponsorship deal with Brand Kenya. As per the contract, 20% ( KSh 4M) was paid into the KRU account.

2. As part of this package the Men’s 7’s team would receive a token of appreciation each of KSh 100,000. This was due to their performance in various legs of the World Sevens Series and especially after the event in Vancouver, Canada where they reached the finals of the tournament.

3. This money was not payment for appearances, bonuses or allowances. It was a one off token of appreciation and this was clearly explained to the players.

4. It was the expectation that this payment would be received before they left for the last leg of the World Sevens Series. Thi s money hit our account after the team had left.

5. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this money was received in our accounts on 4th June 2018

6. The money was used for 7’s team preparation and travel to London and Paris, as well as 15’s preparation.

7. The delay in payment to players was clearly communicated the team via its management.

8. The consequences of their actions were also clearly communicated to the Team, before they took this step.

9. The Team was also told that they would be paid upon their return to Kenya at which time we expected our finances to have improved with funding from government and sponsors.

10. We have met with Brand Kenya and explained our position to them and the reasons why the players did not receive their token of appreciation in time.

11. It is unfortunate that the stories doing the rounds in the media only carry one half of the story.

12. We have documentation proving all the above as a true record of what has transpired since the start of this journey with Brand Kenya.

13. Some of our obligations are funded directly by the Directors of the Union to ensure continuity of the programmes.

14. The KRU would like to once again, offer its apologies to the citizens of Kenya, the government of Kenya, Sponsors and all our supporters who have carried us this far.

15. We are taking measures to ensure that this sort of situation does not happen again.

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