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The Kenya Rugby Union will host its Training and Education Super Week from 8th to 18 April 2022 in Nairobi.

This Super Week will take place as a legacy program for the Rugby Africa U20 Barthes Trophy which runs from 9th to 17th April in Nairobi and will entail a refresher course in Immediate Care In Rugby as well as a Level 1 course in Citing.

There will be additionally an Activate Workshop and Festival as part of the Super Week.

KRU Training and Education Co-ordinator George Ndemi further added that the course will be facilitated by Rugby Africa Regional Training Manager Denver Wannies from South Africa.

Other course instructors include Charles Yapo (Ivory Coast), Dr. Joseph Kalanzi (Uganda), Johnbosco Muamba (Kenya), James Absalom (Kenya) and Aileen Taylor (Kenya).

Level 1 Citing Course Pre-requisites

  1. Rugby ready https://passport.world.rugby/injury-prevention-and-risk-management/rugby-ready/
  2. Laws of the game https://www.world.rugby/the-game/laws/home?lang=en
  3. Anti- corruption https://passport.world.rugby/protect-the-game/keep-rugby-onside/
  4. Keep rugby clean https://passport.world.rugby/protect-the-game/keep-rugby-clean/
  5. COVID Admin https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/covid-19-return-to-play-awareness-for-administrators/
  6. Concussion General public https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/concussion-management-for-the-general-public/
  7. Citing commissioner https://passport.world.rugby/match-day-staff/citing-commissioner-training/
  8. Judicial officer https://passport.world.rugby/match-day-staff/judicial-training/


Immediate Care In Rugby (ICIR) Pre-requisites

  1. Rugby ready https://passport.world.rugby/injury-prevention-and-risk-management/rugby-ready/
  2. Keep rugby clean https://passport.world.rugby/protect-the-game/keep-rugby-clean/
  3. FAIR – first Aid in Rugby https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/first-aid-in-rugby/
  4. ICIR https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/immediate-care-in-rugby/
  5. COVID Admin https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/covid-19-return-to-play-awareness-for-administrators/
  6. Concussion Management for Doctors and Health Care Professionals https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/concussion-management-for-doctors-and-health-care-professionals/
  7. Medical Protocols for Match Day Medical Staff https://passport.world.rugby/player-welfare-medical/medical-protocols-for-match-day-medical-staff/


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